Google Algorithm Update for High Ranking

Billions of webmasters across the world either try to figure out the most complex Google algorithm in order to rank high on search engines, or hire a professional SEO company who have invested in top brains and high end machines for calculating the ranking algorithm to work upon their sites. Is it really that complex...??

To me, it's no rocket science. Most of us know that! This thing is made to seem complex for the dummies, so that they can be ripped off of their hard earned money, in order to achieve top ranking on Google. The Google Algorithm is as simple as 1-2-3. If you know what to do, which parameters of your site to take care of, how much of time and money to invest on certain parameters, then you've cracked the code to achieve high ranking for your website and then making easy money is a cakewalk for you.

Google ranks each and every web page, based on its credibility, in terms of keyword density, rich niche content, a credit or vote from other relevant sites and several other parameters.
Google algorithm initially ranked sites based on its content. But, then spammy webmasters took the advantage of creating huge number of spammy web page content, which was of no use to the end user, to dominate the top 10 ranking of organic search results.
Then Google introduced and included another parameter to its algorithm - "Votes". These votes were nothing, but a backlink from other sites, suggesting valuable content available on this site. So a mix of rich content and quality one way backlinks remained the core of Google algorithm, for ranking websites for a long long time... until now when Google realized that even backlinking is also being exploited through buying and selling of links. So, this brings an end to the previous version of Google algorithm. As such, if you have recently lost or gained your organic search ranking on Google, then read on...

As per my research, the most recent update in Google Algorithm, that decides every web page ranking now in 2010, can be broadly classified into THREE VITAL categories:

More and more rich niche CONTENT
Quality Relevant BACKLINKS

Yes, the most recent parameter that has been added to the Google algorithm update, is none other than "Website Activity". Now what is it...??
Google now hugely considers whether any website is creating Human activity or not. For example, too many visitors coming and leaving the site, people leaving their comments or feedback, feed subscribers, sharing webpage through web 2.0 and bookmarking sites, etc.

So, the next time you think about ranking high on Google, give a thought to all three parameters listed above.

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