Blog Commenting brings free traffic

If you are a blogger or webmaster, and have not yet capitalised on the free and targeted traffic through blog commenting, then you have left a valuable chunk of traffic from the pie. There are several advantages of why you should follow the practice of blog commenting on relevant blogs of your niche. I have listed some well known practices, advantages and disadvantages of blog commenting. Read through...

* Commenting means you have read through the post, which gives additional knowledge
* Additional knowledge gives new ideas to re-invent and post it to your blog
* Initiate a conversation
* Comments like - great post, i'll try, check my site... etc. look spammy and a strict NO-NO
* Write a descriptive comment of what you liked in the post and why?
* This creates more followers and visitors to your sites
* Not necessary to leave your website link in the signature every time you comment
* The more you comment, the more visitors you get in return
* More visitors mean, more human activity on your site and better ranking
* A good comment with anchor text keyword from high PR site means more link juice for your site
* Too many similar comments on same posts can cause negative impact
* Commenting creates friends, and friends will link to you if they like your site
* The more you comment, the more others will comment on your site, hence more activity
* It brings laser targeted traffic

Keep looking for niche blogs during your free time, and keep commenting on them. Any link that you get from them apart from the targeted traffic is an absolute bonus. Remember a blog comment link from a high PR site is worth enough a good amount of money, that you would lose if you buy it through any SEO company. Moreover, these are permanent lifetime text links with your targeted anchor keywords, surrounded by rich niche content on that web page. It can't get any better than this!

Happy money making...

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