WordPress Google AdSense Plugin

Google AdSense Plugin allows setting of ads displaying parameters, such as format (text ad, image, text with an image or as links), size, color of the elements at the ad block, rounded corners and also position of the ad block at the website.
FAQ Support


  • Display: Ability to adjust look of the ad, choose a color scheme, layout, number of ad units per page.
  • Actions: Ability to insert google ads to the website automatically.


  • Dutch (nl_NL) (thanks to Paul Göttgens)
  • Russian (ru_RU)
If you create your own language pack or update an existing one, you can send text in PO and MO files for BWS and we'll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.

Technical support

Dear users, if you have any questions or propositions regarding our plugins (current options, new options, current issues) please feel free to contact us. Please note that we accept requests in English only. All messages on another languages wouldn't be accepted.

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